Dr Rita Baratela Thurler
Dr Rita Thruler

Ex-President of the Lingual Orthodontics Brazilian Association.
- Vice –President of the Lingual Orthodontics Brazilian Association.
- Specialist and Master of Orthodontics – Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo [University of the City of São Paulo].
- Doctor of Odontology – Area of Concentration in Laser – Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul [Cruzeiro do Sul University].
- Coordinator of the Internship Lingual Orthodontics Program of Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul.
- Coordinator of the Especialization Orthodontics Program of Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul.
- Researcher in the areas of adhesion materials and laser in Orthodontics.
- Effective member of the Lingual Orthodontics Brazilian Association – “ABOL”.
- Speaker of EBrace Lingual System
- Membership of the World Laser Federation.
- Membership of the American Association of Orthodontics.
- Co-author of the book Lingual Aesthetic Orthodontics.
- Co-author of the book Nuevo Enfoque en Ortodoncia Lingual.
- Co-author of the book Ortodontia Lingual, Uma Alternativa Incomparável para a Terapia Ortodôntica Estética [Lingual Orthodontics, An Incomparable Alternative for Aesthetic Orthodontics Therapy].